And a baby in a carriage

My sweet boy Blaine Robert Clary was born September 7th, 2011.

He was 8.02 pounds and 20.5 inches long.  
 Blaine has dark eyes and brown hair and some adorable cheeks.

This is the Robert Clary first family picture with Blaine just moments after his grand arrival.

After leaving the hospital Blaine had a high amount of jaundice and was given his own tanning bed to help get the jaundice out of his body.

This sweet boy kept having struggles in his first 3 weeks of life.  Jaundice, then no weight gain, allergic reaction to formula (milk), loss of weight down to 6.11 pounds and last but not least a clogged tear duct.  But on week 4, thanks to soy sensitive formula my boy gained weight and has continued to do so!

I will say that being a mother is the most wonderful experience I have had in my life.  The nine months of pregnancy and 30 years of life experience did not prepare me for the joy, wonder and love I would experience but God and his intimate love has showed me now how he feels about me as his child.
If I look at Blaine and feel the way I do after only 5 short weeks how does God the father feel about me as I approach my 31st birthday?! 

 Blaine is an active little man. This is him in his dino shirt and shoes!

This past weekend we went to the pumpkin patch with all the Cook kids and Blaine's cousin Alice Epperson.  Thanks to Aunt Cary we have this adorable hat that was Colby's. 

Yeah he is sticking his tongue out at the camera... one of many things he has in common with his father is his love for photography... thankfully Mimi got a bunch of great shots and Mawmaw did too.

I want to say thank you to those of you that have been a huge encouragement to me and Bobby over the last few weeks.  Parenthood is not easy although it is rewarding and amazing.  My struggles with breastfeeding were very wearing and unfortunately God did not have it in store for my body to produce milk for Blaine.  I pray for any future children the story will be different but I know there is a reason for all things.

The weeks ahead are sure to be hard as well for on Thursday I will return to work. I get to take Blaine with me to work and have a flexible schedule for a few weeks but only a few days a week and I still must get the same work load done.  I have a new boss, who is amazing, but I will be learning work new with her and how to be a mother who does not work crazy hours.  Bobby will be watching Blaine a few days a week alone.... He is such an amazing father!  Really, it would blow your mind how attentive he is and how much they are already bonded.  Blaine will one day praise God for the earthly father he was given. My amazing mother has accepted (begged) to watch Blaine too and I am very blessed by this.   Come December on I am not sure what we will do about childcare as I do not think the Y will let me to continue to take him to work.  Pray that we have direction on where he should go on the days we can not have him with us... selling our house and mustang will definitely help financially but moving to Inola is the goal.

Well that is all for now... Thanks for letting me brag, rant and rave!


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