Mommy groups...oh no!

Yesterday Blaine and I ventured to the library to our first ever toddler group. It was supposed to be a reading/story time and I just knew he would love it.
We arrive fashionably late as we do to just about everything because I am just kind of rockstar mom.
The lady who lead the reading was very good, other than she never made eye contact with anyone but the ceiling (I have a very hard time with no eye contact). She had some very creative songs and handmotions to keep kids and parents alike entertained but it was quickly apparent that we were the new ones. The other mothers were helping with each others children and they all knew what was going on and what was next. I have never felt comfortable in these situations but I do what I do best...fake it! After story time was gym play time. I thought perfect...they will have a little PE class with toddlers and parents. This is my area of experience so I was excited till I got to the gym with my little monster full of energy and there were sit down play spots. Looks fun but my boy is busy, likes to run and is not interested in sitting to play at 11am.
Unfortunately, I said sorry to many children and moms after Blaine thew a toy, trampled over them or whatever they were playing with. Blaine is a great kid, hugs everyone, says hi to everyone, likes to share but is just a burst of energy that he nor I have learned to control. Moms were nice but no one asked our names or asked us anything for that matter. I tried to probe with the mom questions...How old is your child?, what other activities do you participate in?, how long you been attending the library group?, but only direct answers back.
I wish the Church had organized playdates or experiences. I would gleen off other Christian mothers and learn to be molded by their knowledge instead of the world's mothers. They would care about the struggle to be home with baby, nap time fights, struggles on hethy food and most importantly how to share Christ in his daily routine.

After all this I think we will return next week to simply try again but will try and find other activities to fill our day too. With winter creeping in....I can not be kept inside all day.


  1. I know this feeling. It sucks. I tend to expect others to treat me the way I want to treat them - openly and honestly. It's hard when you don't seem to get any glimpse of those desire in return. But, in my experiences, I've also found that I really only need to connect with one other parent in the group, then I can function for the sake of my kid. Love.


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