
Showing posts from August, 2011

The ultimate wait

Tonight the wait is just not bearable.... Why did God design pregnancy to be 9 months, 40 weeks or 280 days? The Bible says that children are a blessing to the Lord and to their parents, this I would agree.  " Proverbs 17:6 NIV  Children's children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children." I would like to hold my blessing in my arms, to see his face, to touch his skin and to kiss his face.  I want to see each and every detail of what he looks like and get to know his temperament out side my belly, although I feel I know a good portion of his temperament now. I want to see Bobby see him for the first time, to hold him, to father him, to pray over him and to rock him to sleep.  I want to see what God designed from Bobby and I. I want to give physical love to this child I have bore for since last December.  I want him OUT! Blaine is predicted to be born on Sept 7th, 2011 but each day, the closer we get time just seems to drag on. How do you