Thank You Park Mom

Thank you Park Mom!

Thank you got sitting on the bench.
Thank you for allowing the kids to play, untethered from you.
Thank you for not barking orders on how to play on slide, going up or down.
Thank you for sending your kids back to play as they try and tattle.
Thank you for not freaking out when my 21 month old hits your 4 year old.
Thank you got knowing kids are kids.
Thank you for taking time for yourself as they play.
Thank you for wearing your yoga pants, thst have never been to yoga,  to the park too. No fancy dress up here.
Thank you for being real.

Today, you make me smile. Today, I did not feel alone. Today, I knew my laid back parenting style is not isolated to my kids.

Titus 2:4 NLT

These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children


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