Losing It

Nothing is worse than losing something that is not only sentimental but not even yours.

I lost a photo card. It holds photos from the last year, photos from the last few months, photos of the last days and moments of my grandmother.

I borrowed it cause I wanted to upload a few photos my mom took of Blaine. A very festive and fun picture of our family and a very special one of Blaine in a new homemade shirt, his Big brother shirt.

I put it in my pocket and by the time I got home it was gone. I have checked everywhere and so had Bobby.

The worst part is I have to tell my mom and I just know it will break her heart to know the photos are no longer here. It breaks my heart and we are kinda kindred spirits. My mom means the world to me and to disappoint her is the worst part about it all. I love my parents,my mom is life my best friend she knows everything about me and I love that.


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