Tiny socks in my laundry

I remember as a child/teenager going to my best friend Mandy's house. Mandy's mom would ask us (Mandy) to fold and put away the clothes before we disappeared for hours in play. I always laughed as I grabbed her little sisters clothes. Casey was always the little sister and her stuff was tiny. Tiny panties that looked like they would fit a doll, tiny socks that could fit my cabbage patch that were all by that time packed away in bags in the attic. Mandy would just shake her head at me and go on as I went on and on about how tiny Casey's stuff was. At my house, there was never anything tiny. Tiny was not how we were described and I was the youngest so everything just got bigger. Lots of men's socks stained by baseball dirt, lots of shorts stained by grass, lots of t-shirts that even after they were washed still smelled like boys. Laundry was no funny affair at my house.
It is only now that there are tiny things found in my laundry. Tiny baby boy socks, tiny shirts, pants and the best is those tiny shoes. Being a mom is one of the greatest joys of my life and finding the tiny stuff reminds me that the tantrums, sleepless nights and dirty diapers are not that bad cause I get to see tiny things in my laundry every day.


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