Friday News

Good News today

Went to see hight risk doctor today and have detailed ultrasound of baby Thor. My fluid was again building up ans now at 32 (25 is high). The baby was also measuring large, in fact he meassured 98% and almost 5 pounds. Those are good things if I have him early, scary if I carry him full term and have 15 pound boy. I will take those risks I guess.

Each organ looked to be functioning great and strong pair of lungs. The doctor could not find any issues with anything. The umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck but not tight and Blaine had the same thing too.

He would like to test me weekly for diabetes and continue to do weekly scans of baby, which my regular OB can perform.

I have been asked to stop all exercising and no long walks and go easy since my contractions are still happening. Big fear Dr said was a membrane rupturing. I guess that is only thing I don't understand. What are membranes? He said due to water I was already a high risk for that. Dr said I should also nit travel more than 30 minutes from Tulsa so no long trips or even to the City. BOO to that but baby safety a must.

There is nothing I can do at this point to slow the amount to amniotic build up. I will have another reduction when contractions get going again, I can't sleep or breath, in pain or just too uncomfortable to move. It will be an overnight stay this time. Dr said he expected me to have it within week. The reduction is not harmful to baby but nit having one can be worse forcing baby to come early.

After 34 weeks he suggests I stop everything and allow natural labor to happen.

So thankful for my mother-in-law for coming today and taking care of my Blaine-y Boy.
Thanks to everyone else for all your prayers, call, texts and love. We appreciate you all so much.


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