Time To Think

Only ask the hard questions.

I have kept it light and breezy in my mind.  Tried hard to not overthink about Brain Surgery. However, there is the need to ask hard questions, to process the risks and rewards.  There are always consequences.  Consequences are the result of actions that are taken or not taken. 

We took a spontaneous trip to Silver Dollar City during the boys' fall break.  We left our house at 9:00 a.m. and returned at 9:00 p.m.  It was a fun day, but the consequences we experienced being spontaneous were that we didn’t think about how busy the park would be, the boys forgot chargers for their electronics to play in the car, we had great deep conversations, got to hear both my boys sing to the radio, and had authentic talks and laughter with our kids. 

During one of the rides the boys rode, which Bobby and I chose not to (p.s. I rarely ride anything), Bobby and I talked about how I feel about NDAs, what kind of support I would want, and what I would not want if something were to happen, the rare cases, the unknowns.  I can not imagine if you were next to us at the park and overheard our conversation.  It’s not one that I would choose to have, but I would never want to put my family in a situation where they did not know my desires, hopes, or fears.  The one thing about losing my dad that brought peace was his intent for support was defined.  I didn’t like all my dad’s choices, but I was willing to honor them. I am blessed that Bobby and I agree on most situations; it was no different in this case. I know he is always my rock, because he leans on the Rock of Ages. 

Brain surgery brings new fears to surgery.  I had a hysterectomy at 37, but I never feared that if they had nicked something, I would be changed.  I was excited to have an organ in my body that didn’t work properly and have 7 large fibroid tumors removed. It was one of the best surgeries and gifts to myself. I felt like a miracle had happened when I was in recover, the pain I had experienced for years was just gone. I had gallbladder surgery after that; again, I was excited to have a failing body part that was causing pain removed. No fear and the recovery was smooth.  
However, the pineal gland is an organ too, but gaining access to it is not the easiest path, not one that has been done over and over by an unknown amount of physicians. It is a fairly new procedure, done by only a few very skilled people.  Removal of it also brings more fear.  There is tons of research on the consequences of taking out the uterus, gallbladder, and many other organs; however, there is little to no long-term research on what taking out the pineal gland will do. There are also more consequences and complications due to it being The Brain.  

To keep it simple, I joke with the boys and Bobby about what would happen if I came out of the surgery with a superpower. Isn't that how all great superheroes come to be, something hard happens to them, and undenounced to them, they are changed, gifted with something they did not expect? Options are speaking multiple languages, perfect vision, perfect hearing, telepathy, and perfect memory; I am looking forward to my superpower; the gift of no pain and no headaches that I believe that God has in store for me. 

Our prayers are that the consequences of surgery are ZERO headaches, no migraines, improved vision, no nerve pain, relief from nausea, and a long, happy, and healthy life. We would love for you to join us in these prayers. We plan to speak to the doctor on October 24th about what they have seen, what they would like us to prepare for, and what we should expect. 

This morning I read the following verse.  
2 Chronicles 32:7-8
Be strong and courageous, be not afraid nor dismayed for the king of Assyria, nor for all the multitude that is with him: for there be more with us than with him: 8with him is an arm of
flesh; but with us 
is the LORD our God to help us, and to fight our battles. And the people rested themselves upon the words of Hezekiah king of Judah.

I love the knowledge that God is more with me than those with my enemy, my challenge, my hurt.  Reading that and knowing God asks us to rest ourselves in the belief he has us, he is fighting for us, he does not want us to be afraid brings peace. 
Since the early years of our boys life, our family verses have always been Joshua 1:9 so I take it as His confirming love, that he is telling me again, as he repeat often in the Word, Be Strong, Be Courageous, and Have No Fear. 
Joshua 1:9
9Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.


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